After water, concrete is the most used material on earth. And it’s no wonder, because it’s the most versatile building material in the world. It is used to construct the infrastructure, roads, bridges etc. on which Ireland’s economic success depends. We build towns and cities in concrete in the expectation that they will last for generations, why would you do any different when building your own home.
The more concrete elements in your home, the more likely you are to have a home which is strong, durable and fireproof. In addition, your home is more likely to enjoy a high level of soundproofing which is so important in an increasingly noisy environment.
Nearly 80% of all concrete used in buildings is concealed, mostly in the foundations which is the most important part of the building. Without proper foundations problems will occur. That’s why all modern buildings are constructed using concrete foundations – because concrete is strong, durable and will not warp, rust or rot even when immersed in water.
Block Walls:
Concrete Block Walls provide excellent soundproofing between rooms, far in excess of timber studs and plasterboard partitions which can be a major cause of sound transmission in homes.
Precast Concrete Floors:
Precast concrete floors greatly reduce airborne and impact sound travelling within houses. Tests show the airborne sound insulation of a concrete upstairs floor to be in the range of 47 to 52 decibels. A normal timber floor has a rating of only 30 to 38 decibels. The substantial performance difference has encouraged more people to use precast concrete floors. Concrete floors also have excellent fire resistance characteristics. This is because concrete is inherently fireproof and doesn’t require the addition of fireproofing materials. Concrete floors provide a safe platform from which to escape in the event of fire.
Precast Concrete Stairs:
The stairs is a prime location for impact noise. When you use precast concrete stairs, you significantly reduce impact noise while providing and safe and secure exit in the event of fire.